
Posts Tagged ‘St. Mary Lake’

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St. Mary Falls, Glacier Park


Montana mountains
marvel me with rugged peaks
water blue as topaz.



Bear Grass wildflower
Glacier Park, Montana


Bear grass blossoms
a mountain spray of stars
invite travelers in.



Kayaker on St. Mary Lake, Glacier Park, Montana.

Lone kayak streams
rock mosaic reflection
private piece of heaven


I understand why Basho turned to haiku to capture moments in nature.  They are just too big to write big about.  Last week, my husband and I spent July 4th with my friend Dani and her husband, Randy, hiking in Glacier Park.  A note about Dani: We meet through a Voxer group and Twitter chats with #G2Great.  It means so much to me to have a close friend so far away.  What a joy to get our guys together and spend time in a magnificent wonderland! These pictures say it all, beauty and majesty, and all that is good.


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